Patreon Poem/Prayer/Song 99: For Freyr at Midsummer

If you want to submit a request for a prayer, poem, or song to be written to you privately or to be posted on this blog or my Patreon for a God, Ancestor, or spirit, sign up for the Ansuz and above level here on my Patreon.

This request was made by Cunnian for Freyr at Midsummer.

Power courses through Jörð

Quickened through sacrifice

The open mound long grown green

The Sun keeps its faithful  course

Sunna’s wagon arcs long in the sky

Bringing the warm Sun King’s kiss to the land

Gentle rains have fed the ground

From His gift the crops grow

Plenty bursts forth in the well-loved lands

Jörð’s skin warms in the heat

Delighting in the love

Of the life-giving Lord

Life given for life given

Fire bears the cycle with Ice behind

Waters flow as rivers run with fish

Freyr brings the crossing of seasons

Death blooms into life’s limitless forms

Sumar’s height, the Sun’s apex, rings the Revelry to life

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